I was given the opportunity to review a product called
Mad Dog Math. There are two, well actually 3 products you could get for HOME-USE from Mad Dog Math. One is a
downloadable software (Windows PC only), which is what we received, the other two are the choice of either a
binder or
CD-ROM that is the full extensive instructions and tips for success.
Slightly modified from the website about their product...
{ Why Choose Mad Dog Math?
- Created and produced by a veteran educator
- Fun, exciting, motivating, and challenging
- Students, parents, and teachers, LOVE it
- Goes above and beyond California state standards
- Helps to improve standardized test scores
- Backed by 30 years of success in the classroom
- Supplements any math curriculum
- Eliminates math phobias
- Proven success with remedial students
- User friendly materials teachers/parents can use immediately
- Each mastery program builds on the previous one to ensure a strong math foundation in early elementary
- Improved teacher satisfaction
- Systematic, organized, easy to implement }
The clip is a a basic preview of Mad Dog Math being used in a classroom setting, but it is also a preview of the Home-Use binder/CD-ROM version of Mad Dog Math, because it is basically the same thing. |
Since I received the the download version I will tell you what I like about that particular program...
it covers all fact families (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)
there is also a challenge section
it is super easy to use
the time-frames are 2 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds and no limit
the kids can earn club stickers for each passed fact family in both sections...either addition/subtraction or multiplication/division
no paper or pencil is needed...it is all done on the computer
Ruff, the dog, keeps track of where the child left off
there is a Progress "bone" the parent or child can click to see their progress
the cost is $19.99 for a one year license, $29.99 for a 2 year license and $39.99 for a lifetime license
there are only 20-24 math facts to answer depending on the level
One of the key things that was mentioned was consistent daily practice and use of this system...which I have not been with my children...but I am determined to have my kids be "Top Dog" with knowing their math facts...so that means me being more consistent with them using this fun, easy and great program.
If you would like to try this software for yourself...
Download a free trial version and bring the fun of
Mad Dog Math to your computer. Two versions are currently available, based on your operating system.
To find out which version of the software you need, please go to:
Download Mad Dog Math – at Home (Free Trial 32 bit Version)
Download Mad Dog Math – at Home (Free Trial 64 bit Version)
If you would like to read other TOS Crew reviews on this product
click here.
Disclaimer---I was given this product free of charge in exchange for my honest review.